Leaders don’t pass judgments

Leaders don’t pass judgments

As a leader, you must give the freedom to the people to agree or disagree with you. However, it is not desired to pass judgments after asking people to give their honest opinions about us. The habit of passing a judgment is innate in almost every human being, and not...
Job of a leader is to empower

Job of a leader is to empower

The job of a leader is as much about assigning responsibilities as it is about taking them. The job of a leader is as much about assigning responsibilities as it is about taking them. As a leader, are you comfortable enough to let the people around you take more...
Path to Effective Laedership

Path to Effective Laedership

Many people end up confusing leadership with preaching or giving a sermon to the subordinates within an organization. It isn’t always the leader’s fault since he or she is told right from the outset that an effective speech can really inspire people. However, what...
Art of Planning

Art of Planning

There will be distractions. You must learn the art of Planning The art of planning comes naturally to human beings. However, how good or bad we are at it depends on our experience and caliber. From planning trivial things like what to eat and planning a timetable for...
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